« L’esthétique est une composante essentielle de l’humanité car elle suscite a minima le plaisir et parfois l’émerveillement ». Edgar Morin La beauté pourrait-elle jouer un rôle dans …
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Récréaction DD
Here's a look back at some of the beautiful forms of creativity 2023 that make us smile and contribute to our well-being and health, IN ALL SIMPLICITY. May we ...
sustainable development sees life in blue
The world around us is vibrant with color. Each carries a unique meaning and evokes a variety of emotions. However, beyond ...
Fashionable DD
To begin with, we have a little problem with... Jeans "I only have one regret, it's that I didn't invent jeans", said Yves Saint-Laurent. We love them...
17 SDG illustrated in 17 press cartoons.
Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words...
RSE créative
Why creativity is good for CSR?
Artistic SDGs (play on words ODD and ODE which doesn't work in English, sorry!)
How does art shed light on the SDGs? Art as a mirror of nature Artists draw their inspiration from the landscapes, shapes and colors of ...
GOLD is in nature
When I taught graphic design (in another life), I always started by explaining what some people call "Divine proportion." This number has properties ...
DD at school
A look at sustainable development, creativity (always) and school! Ouch!
Responsible communication
A quick recap on the role of communication, it : - transmits information - expresses emotions - creates social relationships - influences ...